SECTION 1. These show rules are official and the sole property of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA). The ARBA reserves the right to enforce any and all provisions of these show rules at any time, and will resort to legal action, if necessary. All changes in these show rules shall be made through the ARBA Show Rules Committee or the ARBA Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Special awards on displays shall be made on points: First prize counts as six (6); second, four (4); third, three (3); fourth, two (2)); and fifth, one (1). The number of points won by an animal in a class is calculated by multiplying the number of animals exhibited and judged in the class by the number identified above. For example, for ten (10) animals in a class and the animal in question places second, then 10 times 4 equals 40 total points won by the animal.
(A) At the discretion of the show sponsors, there may be an award given for Best Display in show. Rabbit and cavy points may not be combined in total for this award. There shall be a separate award for Best Display on rabbits, and Best Display on cavies.
(B) In case of a tie, it shall be the decision of the show sponsor as to how the tie is broken.
(C) Pre-junior, meat, and fur classes not to be counted in figuring display points and awards.
SECTION 3. In awarding trophies or awards on a point-to-count basis, only those rabbits or cavies that were exhibited and judged may be used in figuring the total points for such awards.
SECTION 4. Class premiums, if offered, must be paid on the total number of animals judged.
SECTION 5. Unless specified otherwise by the show sponsor, a Show Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in one or more breeds; a Breed Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in any one breed; and a Variety Display shall consist of four (4) or more entries in any one variety.
SECTION 6. Rabbit showroom classes recognized by the ARBA (all breeds).
(A) Breed classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(B) Substitutions shall be allowed only in the same sex, class, variety, group, and breed.
SECTION 7. Rabbit fur and wool classes
(A) Fur and wool classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
SECTION 8. Cavy showroom classes recognized by the ARBA (all breeds).
(A) All showroom classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(B) Substitutions shall be allowed only in the same sex, class, variety, group, and breed.
SECTION 9. There must be ten (10) or more animals judged before the sponsoring club is required to pay the awards required by the Specialty Clubs. Awards donated and not paid directly by the sponsoring club will be paid regardless of the number shown.
SECTION 10. It shall be mandatory to select the Best Rabbit and/or Cavy in Show. All Best In Show animals shall be awarded a Grand Champion leg, provided all requirements are met. If they are selected at a show, ARBA Legs will be awarded for Reserve in Show, Best 4 Class or Best 6 Class provided the minimum requirements of 3 exhibitors and 5 animals are met.
SECTION 11. All ARBA licensed rabbit judges shall award Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Group, Best Opposite Sex of Group, Best of Variety, and Best Opposite Sex of Variety, when applicable. All licensed cavy judges shall pick Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Group, Best Opposite Sex of Group, Best of Variety, and Best Opposite Sex of Variety, when applicable. In addition, all ARBA licensed judges may award, if requested, the following additional awards: Best Junior, Best Intermediate, and Best Senior. In breeds having more than one variety the judge may also select Best Opposite Sex in the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior classes. Other awards that can be awarded in the normal sequence of judging using the Standard of Perfection as a basis for the decision, may be offered and awarded.
(A): Animals winning an award at any competitive level that leave the show prior to the picking of a higher award shall retain their placement, but not be considered for any higher award. The prior placement of the departed animal shall not be considered when picking the next higher award. No animal is to be moved up to fill the placement of a departed animal.
SECTION 12. A rabbit may be shown in the appropriate showroom class, the breed fur/wool class, and the commercial normal fur class (if normal fur), in the same show. Other multiple class showings are allowed as follows: 1) Pre-junior or junior (not both), single fryer, meat pen. 2) Stewer, intermediate or senior. 3) Roaster, junior. No other multiple class combinations are allowed for rabbits. No cavy may be exhibited in more than one class in the same show.
(A) A pre-junior class is for the sole purpose of exhibition and cannot be considered for further awards, unless the individual show committee decides to grant special awards for pre-junior classes. A pre-junior animal cannot compete in fur classes and cannot be considered for BOV, BOSV, BOG, BOSG, BOB, or BOS.
SECTION 13. All ARBA chartered clubs holding sanctioned shows hereby agree to be governed by and run under the latest revised OFFICIAL SHOW RULES of the ARBA.
SECTION 14. Any chartered club may make additional rules or regulations, provided they do not conflict with ARBA rules.
SECTION 15. A show catalog must be furnished to any person upon request. The show catalog must be furnished to all hired judges and registrars at least 14 days prior to the show date. The show catalog must contain the club name, show date, show location, entry deadline, time judging will start, the name and address of the show secretary and show superintendent, and any required specialty club information. The catalog should supply as much information as possible and must be available at least 14 days prior to the show date. The following must be printed in the show catalog:
(A) Open Sanctioned Show – OFFICIAL ARBA SANCTIONED SHOW, ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400. ARBA website: Membership Dues: $20.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $50.00. Combination Husband & Wife: $30.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $75.00.
(B) Youth Sanctioned Show – OFFICIAL ARBA YOUTH SANCTIONED SHOW, ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400. ARBA website: Membership Dues: $12.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $30.00.
(C) Announcement of the date and place of the next ARBA Convention and Annual Meeting.
(D):1– Action taken by the ARBA Board will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances noted and in accordance with the ARBA Constitution and By-Laws
2– Please note the following recommendations:
a) Exhibitors should follow ARBA recommended biosecurity guidelines.
b) Exhibitors and show officials should wash the undercarriage and tires of all vehicles and trailers before going to and after departing a show.
c) Exhibitors residing in a state with a confirmed case of RHDV in the past 30 days should have a health certificate (CVI) issued within fourteen (14) days of the show.
d) Use an appropriate disinfectant that will inactivate RHDV.
e) The ARBA club show committee has the right to refuse any entry for due cause.
f) The ARBA recommends carrying cages be cleaned prior to going to a show. The ARBA recommends the following products: kitty litter, newspaper, puppy pads, or other inert products used for bedding.
g) State and county officials may impose additional stricter sanctions / requirements.
h) Show officials can designate additional requirements to attend an ARBA sanctioned show.
i) If you are not comfortable with the provisions in 15.(D), please continue to maintain biosecurity at your residence.
SECTION 16. The show sponsor may print the following in their show catalog: All youth entries must be carried to the show table by a youth. Exhibitors do not have to carry their own animals to the show table.
SECTION 17. Sanctions
(A) All ARBA chartered clubs shall be permitted to designate their sanctioned shows as OFFICIAL shows, and to advertise as such. The appropriate fees must accompany all sanction requests. Fees for all sanction requests received at least 30 days prior to but no more than 2 years in advance of the requested date(s) of the show(s) shall be: $25.00 for each adult open show and $20.00 for each youth show. If an Open and Youth sanction are applied for at the same time, the fee shall be $40.00 for each Open/Youth combination. All sanction requests must be applied for through the office of the ARBA Executive Director and must be done so at least thirty (30) days prior to the show date(s). Sanction requests received less than thirty days prior to the show date may be accepted; however the respective sanction fees are doubled. The acceptance of an ARBA sanction request and all necessary fees are based solely upon the official US Postmark or online date stamp. Proof of submission of a sanction request is the sole responsibility of the sender. No show sanction shall be granted more than two years prior to the show date requested. No show sanction shall be granted if the request is received less than 15 days prior to the show date requested. No show sanction shall be granted after a show has taken place. It shall be mandatory to have official judging on each day for which a show is sanctioned.
(B) Sanction applications must include the following information: name of the sponsoring club, date of show, location of show (city and state), and name, address, and ARBA membership number of the show secretary and show superintendent. The ARBA office MUST be notified immediately if there is a change in any of the above information. Any change of the date or location (city) of the approved show will require a fee of $12.50 for each open show and $10.00 for each youth show. Fees paid ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE.
SECTION 18. No ARBA chartered specialty club may issue a sweepstakes sanction TO ANY SHOW unless the show is first sanctioned by the ARBA.
SECTION 19. No ARBA sanctioned show may accept sweepstakes from any club that is not chartered with the ARBA.
SECTION 20. Specialty club and ARBA sanctions may only be issued to ARBA chartered clubs or associations.
SECTION 21. Sweepstakes to be legal and count must be approved and issued by the ARBA chartered club sponsoring the show.
SECTION 22. All sanctioned ARBA shows must be at least 100 miles apart, if held on the same date, except fairs, agricultural expositions and shows held the same date and same location in conjunction with each other, unless agreed upon by all clubs involved. The distance is to be measured by drawing a straight line from the town of one show to the town of the second show. Any ARBA chartered club that has a pattern of purchasing sanctions and not hosting an ARBA sanctioned show, with a perceived intent to block another club from hosting on that date will be subject to review by the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 23. Entries shall close the day and time advertised. No rabbit or cavy is officially entered until required fees are paid, which must be done prior to the start of the show. Substitutions, with or without an additional fee, may be accepted at the discretion of the show sponsor. No substitutions, changes, or additions will be allowed in a breed after judging of the breed has commenced.
(A) When a pre-show entry is required, entries bearing a postmark prior to the entry deadline date are eligible. Entry fees may be required to accompany entries, or may be paid upon check-in at the show. This requirement is at the discretion of the show sponsor, and must be stated in the show rules for the show.
1) The term entry fee refers to money or other agreed upon consideration an exhibitor pays a
show sponsor when entering their rabbit/cavy in an ARBA sanctioned show.
2) The entry fee entitles the exhibitor to have their animal judged by an ARBA licensed judge and receive awards.
3) The entry fee entitles the exhibitor the privilege of cooping a valid entry when coops, feed cups, feed, and/or bedding are provided by the show sponsor.
4) The entry fee does not constitute a rental agreement for any equipment that may be used in the course of an ARBA sanctioned show.
(B) For day-of-show entries, the entries must be made, and fees must be paid, by the start of the show, or time specified.
SECTION 24. All rabbits and cavies are entered and shown at the risk of the owners and/or exhibitors, and while show sponsors are expected to exercise all reasonable care in the handling and protection of the exhibits, show sponsors will not be liable.
(A) If an animal dies at a show while in the care of show officials, the show superintendent must notify the exhibitor with a written document containing the ear number, breed, and variety of the animal. Two show officials should sign the document.
(B) If any rabbit, or cavy, is injured at a sanctioned ARBA show, either on the judging table or in the showroom, whereby the animal would be disqualified, the show management must furnish a written statement, signed by a show official, stating the facts regarding the injury. Placement of the animal at that time shall be at the discretion of the judge. This statement shall permit said animal to be registered, not shown, providing the animal passes all registration requirements except the injury or injuries received in the show, and is registered within six (6) months of the date the document was issued.
SECTION 25. In cases where entries are made and the exhibits are not received, or if an exhibitor leaves before judging, the entry fees collected are forfeited. Return of any fees is at the discretion of the show sponsor.
(A) In the event the show is cancelled for any reason, all entry fees must be returned to the exhibitors within thirty (30) days after the scheduled date of the show.
(B) Any special prizes, monies or trophies offered must be returned to the donor when there is no rabbit or cavy eligible to receive these awards.
SECTION 26. All animals must be permanently and legibly earmarked in the left ear. The tattoo is to only contain numerals 0-9 and/or letters A-Z. The tattoo is to contain no language of a profane or sexual nature.
(A) An exhibitor may not enter more than one animal in the same class with the same ear number or ear tag number.
(B) Rabbits not legibly earmarked must be disqualified from the class. Legibility of the earmark is at the discretion of the judge. This ruling also applies to rabbits with leg bands. In addition to a leg band they must also have a legible earmark in the left ear.
(C) Cavies not legibly earmarked or tagged with an ear tag must be disqualified from the class.
(D) Animals possessing an ear number that does not match the ear number on the exhibitor’s entry form must be removed from the class and the class number reduced.
SECTION 27. Show management must remove from the showroom all diseased or unsightly specimens and entry fees on such specimens will be forfeited.
SECTION 28. Chartered clubs must accept all breeds, which are recognized in the ARBA Standard of Perfection, except, however, National, State, and Local Specialty Clubs, must accept only the breed(s) they sponsor (Angoras and Lops on all sponsored breeds, and cavies covering themselves).
(A) All breeds and varieties that are covered by an official working standard (as described in the ARBA Standard of Perfection) must be accepted for exhibition and showing. (1) Such exhibits will not compete for sweepstake points or other awards.
(B) Acceptance of breeds and varieties without an ARBA official working standard is reserved to the show management. (1) The exhibitor must provide the proposed standard to the judge and show committee. (2) Such exhibits shall not compete for sweepstake points or other specials.
SECTION 29. The name(s) of each exhibitor shall be placed on exhibition coop cards at all ARBA shows.
(A) One day shows, carrying case shows, and fairs or expositions may be exempted.
SECTION 30. All animals must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor(s) prior to entry. Each owner’s personal name(s) must be listed on the entry form, but a rabbitry name may be added, if applicable, when entering shows. It will be the responsibility of the owner(s) and Show Committee to not submit or accept an entry in family or rabbitry names. The determination / confirmation of ownership is the responsibility of the exhibitor.
(A) In case of disqualification under this rule, other exhibitors shall, if qualified, be moved up on the list of winners.
SECTION 31. Show sponsors shall have the right to reassign judges for cause, or add to the list of judges, as occasion may require, but all sponsors holding shows under rules of the ARBA must secure licensed judges of the ARBA to judge the show.
SECTION 32. All official ARBA sanctioned shows are open to all individuals unless suspended or expelled by the ARBA. Any person under suspension or expelled by the ARBA cannot enter, or exhibit stock, compete for awards or prizes, or act as a judge, show official, or in any capacity whatsoever. Show committees must see that this rule is strictly enforced, ignorance is no excuse. It shall however, be the right of any club or show committee to refuse entry to any individual by showing due cause to the exhibitor.
(A) Notification of suspended or expelled members will be provided in Domestic Rabbits magazine.
SECTION 33. Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the ARBA, and to abide by the rules. ARBA members may exhibit in all classes provided by county and state fairs.
SECTION 34. An exhibitor shall not be allowed to show rabbits or cavies under a judge that is an immediate family member. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, or spouse. Also included are niece, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, uncles, aunts, cousins or anyone residing at the same residence as a judge.
SECTION 35. No exhibitor will be allowed behind the judging tables, unless acting in an official capacity, which must be approved by the show superintendent or show secretary.
SECTION 36. The show secretary of a sanctioned ARBA show is required to furnish each exhibitor an Official Show Report within thirty (30) days after the close of their show for each animal exhibited. This show report must show the name of the sponsoring club, date of the show, the entry number if applicable, class and number in class, placement, the breed and variety, winnings, if any, and name of the show secretary. A remark card does not constitute an Official Show Report.
(A) Show records retained by the club sponsoring the show shall be considered official.
(B) All official show records must be retained by the show sponsor for at least one (1) year.
SECTION 37. Any club holding an ARBA sanctioned show is required to complete and send the Official ARBA Show Report to the ARBA within thirty (30) days after the show. This report must contain at least the number of rabbits and cavies exhibited, amount received for entry fees, the names of the judge or judges and their license number(s), and when specials and premiums were paid to exhibitors.
(A) Any club failing to provide this report will not be issued another show sanction until the ARBA office receives the Official ARBA Show Report. NOTE: See late show report policy.
SECTION 38. Any ARBA member working for a Registrar or Judge’s license must first secure permission from the show superintendent of the show they want to work. The candidate will not be permitted to work with any licensed ARBA judge unless permission has been granted by the show superintendent and judge.
(A) Credit for working a show for a Registrar or Judge’s license can only be given when working in a sanctioned all breed ARBA show. Specialty judge applicants are exempt.
(B) Applicants for license may officially work at only one show per day.
(C) Only ARBA members in good standing can work for a license.
SECTION 39. A licensed ARBA judge can allow only one applicant who is working for a Registrar or Judge’s license to work with them in the same show.
(A) A licensed ARBA judge will be permitted to give credit to only one applicant working for a license in each show.
SECTION 40. Show sponsors should provide extra large or double coops for giant breed entries.
SECTION 41. Show management must furnish suitable judging equipment, such as judging tables covered with carpet, sufficient holding coops for the largest class, if possible, good lighting, capable secretaries, satisfactory scales, and any other necessary equipment.
SECTION 42. The show management should schedule the judging of breeds or displays at a time that will create increased public or breeder interest, and for the general welfare of the rabbits or cavies.
SECTION 43. At cooped shows, no animal shall be removed before the close of the show, except upon written consent of the show secretary and/or show superintendent.
SECTION 44. It is mandatory for sponsors of all ARBA sanctioned shows to have a licensed ARBA registrar present at their show with all material necessary to register rabbits. Notice of the availability of this service must be printed in the show catalog. Fair shows are exempt from this rule.
(A) If an official registrar will not be present for the entire show, the time of availability must be listed in the show catalog.
SECTION 45. Exhibitors or guardians of exhibitors attempting to, or actually interfering with, annoying, molesting, or influencing the judge or judges, or acting in a manner unbecoming an exhibitor(s) shall have all their stock disqualified by the judge and shall be ejected by the show superintendent and barred from the show room. Suspension or expulsion of ARBA membership may result from said acts, if so deemed by the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 46. An exhibitor disqualified for fraudulent practices shall have the right to appeal to the ARBA Board of Directors within sixty (60) days from the date of his/her disqualification.
SECTION 47. Each animal must be exhibited in its natural condition. An exhibitor in violation of this rule will have their animal disqualified, and the remainder of their entry may be disqualified from competition and not be judged. Examples include dyeing, plucking, trimming, or any other action designed to deceive.
SECTION 48. Any personally involved exhibitor within a Breed, Group, Variety, or Class shall have the right to make a written protest from the time of occurrence until two hours after awards are placed.
(A) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) A rabbit or cavy possessing a disqualification is placed. (2) Only one animal may be listed on a protest.
(B) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) A rabbit or cavy is wrongfully disqualified. (2) Only one animal may be listed on a protest. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(C) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) Alleged fraudulent practices on the part of any judge. Only one animal may be listed on a protest. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(D) An official protest must be submitted in writing to the show superintendent with a $50.00 protest fee. The protest must be signed and submitted by the actual exhibitor personally involved within the Breed. The protest shall then be acted upon by a committee of three members. The members shall consist of: (1) A member of the show committee. (2) An ARBA licensed judge or registrar, which shall be appointed by the show superintendent. (3) A disinterested ARBA member agreed upon by the other two committee members. The written protest must then be presented to the Protest Committee for their evaluation.
(E) If the protest is sustained or allowed, the affected class(es) or awards shall be adjusted accordingly.
(F) If the protest is sustained, the $50.00 protest fee shall be refunded. If the protest is not sustained or allowed, the $50.00 deposit will be retained by the show sponsor.
SECTION 49. Notice of an allowed protest with a detailed statement shall be mailed by the show sponsor
within ten (10) days to the ARBA and to the exhibitor(s) and judge involved. The judge involved shall have ninety (90) days in which to respond to the ARBA Board to explain his/her rationale for the disputed decision.
SECTION 50. If show management determines that disqualified parties have, unknown to them, succeeded in making an entry or entries, they have the right to cancel such entries, and such parties shall forfeit their entry fee, prize money and other premiums.
SECTION 51. Youth may not enter their rabbit or cavy in both open and youth classes at the same show, which is sponsored by the same club. Youth may make entries in both open and youth classes with different animals.
(A) When more than one ARBA sanctioned all breed or specialty show, not having a youth sanction, are held in conjunction on the same day, youth exhibitors may enter all additional shows with the same animals.
SECTION 52. Youth exhibitors may enter sanctioned youth shows between the ages of five (5) and eighteen (18) years. An adult cannot show in youth classes at any time. Youth exhibitors must be able to handle their own animals. Youth exhibitors are not required to carry their own animals to the table. If stated in the show catalog, a show committee may require all youth entries be carried by a youth.
SECTION 53. All youth exhibitors must use their own individual name, but may add a rabbitry name when entering youth shows. Entries will not be accepted in family or rabbitry names. If owned in conjunction with another youth, the names of all owners must be listed.
SECTION 54. No ARBA judge shall be allowed to judge any show if his/her license is expired, suspended, or expelled.
SECTION 55. No judge shall exhibit in any breed, which they are judging. They shall refuse to consider any specimen they recognize as having been owned by them within three (3) months previous to the show. Also, they shall refuse to consider any specimens that were housed on their premises within three (3) months previous to the show.
SECTION 56. A licensed ARBA judge will not be permitted to judge any ARBA sanctioned show under any other rules than those of the ARBA.
SECTION 57. It shall be considered unethical for an ARBA judge to comment to exhibitors upon the placement made by the official show judge, or judges, unless requested to act upon an official protest.
SECTION 58. Judges must present their valid ARBA judges license to the show secretary prior to the beginning of the show.
SECTION 59. Awarding more than one first place in any class is strictly prohibited.
SECTION 60. A class will be officially closed upon placement of the first place animal. Judging of a breed is officially completed upon selection of Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex of Breed. No entries are permitted to be added to a breed once it is completed. A judge shall have the authority to alter any awards within a breed prior to its completion. Awards for variety / group can only be altered by the judge that made the original selections. Once judging of a breed is completed, no changes may be made, except in the case of an official protest being filed and upheld, or wrongfully issuing an award to an ineligible animal. If an animal is chosen Best of Breed, and later found to have a disqualification, it shall retain its previous award, and simply not be considered for an additional award. A show is considered completed upon selection of Best In Show.
SECTION 61. Every judge should use good judgment at all times, in all their decisions, and give each rabbit or cavy the benefit of the doubt.
SECTION 62. When only one rabbit or cavy is competing in a class the judge shall use their own good judgment. If in their opinion, the animal would be placed in good competition, it shall be given a first. If not, it shall not be placed and the notation made by the judge would be “UNWORTHY OF AN AWARD.” At no time shall a single rabbit or cavy in a class be given 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. It shall either be worthy of a first with only one in a class or not placed with the above remark.
(A) It is possible with more than one entry in a class, that two (2) or more entries may be unworthy of an award.
SECTION 63. A rabbit that was not disqualified in the breed class may be disqualified from a fur class.
(A) A rabbit that was not judged or missed its breed class cannot be shown in a fur class.
SECTION 64. At all ARBA sanctioned shows a Best In Show rabbit and or cavy must be picked by a licensed ARBA all breed judge or judges.
(A) A licensed ARBA specialty judge cannot pick any award higher than Best of Breed.
(B) A licensed ARBA judge may not pick any award higher than Best of Breed if they own an animal competing for a higher award.
SECTION 65. In selecting Best Rabbit or Cavy In Show, each Best of Breed is brought back to the table for comparison to the other animals, not by adding up total points of the animal. The animal determined to be nearest to its own breed standard shall be selected Best In Show.
(A) All open breed judging must be completed prior to selection of open Best In Show.
(B) All youth breed judging must be completed prior to selection of youth Best In Show.
SECTION 66. All meat class animals must be weighed by the judge or in the presence of the judge.
SECTION 67. Judge’s remarks must be given and may be recorded, at the request of the show sponsor, for all animals entered in a show, except animals that have been removed from the show for faking or fraudulent practices, or animals that have been dismissed as vicious or uncontrollable.
SECTION 68. A judge is required to make placements on all animals in classes of ten (10) or fewer.
(A) A judge must place at least the top ten (10) and 50% of the entries in classes of fifty (50) or fewer, but not more than twenty-five (25) placements in classes of fifty-one (51) or more.
(B) It is recommended that a judge not judge more than 250 animals per day.
SECTION 69. Any matter not defined in these rules and regulations shall be referred to the ARBA Show Rules Committee for interpretation.
SECTION 70. A violation of these official show rules and regulations shall be referred to the ARBA Board of Directors for interpretation. If deemed necessary, disciplinary action may be taken.
Actions taken by the Board include but are not limited to, expulsions, suspensions, and fines, as deemed appropriate by the Board based on the nature of the violation(s).
SECTION 71. County and State Fair Shows: Article II, Section 7 of the ARBA By-Laws provides for county or state fairs or agricultural expositions to become chartered with the ARBA by submitting proper fees and complying with the ARBA Show Rules. Fair shows are exempt from the ARBA Show Rules in the following instances only:
(A) Fairs may limit their entries with respect to the number of animals and/or the region or county of exhibitor residence, and/or 4-H, FFA, or Grange membership.
(B) Fairs may combine recognized breeds or varieties for purposes of judging. Legs of grand championship may not be issued for any combined class. Animals advancing from combined classes will be eligible for grand championship legs, however, provided the leg requirements are met within a recognized class.
(C) Youth may enter the same rabbit or cavy in both open and youth fair shows, as long as the shows are not judged on the same date(s).
(D) Youth exhibitors may enter sanctioned youth shows through the age of eighteen (18) years only, upon their 19th birthday they are ineligible. Youth exhibitors may be required, however, to conform to minimum age requirements as established by the fair.
(E) Fairs may provide premium listings or entry summaries to exhibitors in lieu of Official Show Reports.
(F) The availability of an ARBA registrar is not required, but is encouraged.
(G) Fair shows are exempt from the 100 mile radius rule.
(H) The publishing of information concerning the next ARBA National Convention is not required, but is encouraged.
(I) The judging of animals may occur before, during, or after the fair, provided all judging is started and completed no more than four (4) days prior to or following the published fair dates.
(J) The designated show secretary must be a member of the ARBA at the time of sanction application. It is also recommended that the designated show superintendent be a member of the ARBA.
(K) Fairs may require all entries in any specialty breed show held in conjunction with them, be entered in the open or youth all breed show.
© Copyright 2021 - American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. | PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400 | Ph: 814.797.4129 | All Rights Reserved
SECTION 1. These show rules are official and the sole property of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA). The ARBA reserves the right to enforce any and all provisions of these show rules at any time, and will resort to legal action, if necessary. All changes in these show rules shall be made through the ARBA Show Rules Committee or the ARBA Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Special awards on displays shall be made on points: First prize counts as six (6); second, four (4); third, three (3); fourth, two (2)); and fifth, one (1). The number of points won by an animal in a class is calculated by multiplying the number of animals exhibited and judged in the class by the number identified above. For example, for ten (10) animals in a class and the animal in question places second, then 10 times 4 equals 40 total points won by the animal.
(A) At the discretion of the show sponsors, there may be an award given for Best Display in show. Rabbit and cavy points may not be combined in total for this award. There shall be a separate award for Best Display on rabbits, and Best Display on cavies.
(B) In case of a tie, it shall be the decision of the show sponsor as to how the tie is broken.
(C) Pre-junior, meat, and fur classes not to be counted in figuring display points and awards.
SECTION 3. In awarding trophies or awards on a point-to-count basis, only those rabbits or cavies that were exhibited and judged may be used in figuring the total points for such awards.
SECTION 4. Class premiums, if offered, must be paid on the total number of animals judged.
SECTION 5. Unless specified otherwise by the show sponsor, a Show Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in one or more breeds; a Breed Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in any one breed; and a Variety Display shall consist of four (4) or more entries in any one variety.
SECTION 6. Rabbit showroom classes recognized by the ARBA (all breeds).
(A) Breed classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(B) Substitutions shall be allowed only in the same sex, class, variety, group, and breed.
SECTION 7. Rabbit fur and wool classes
(A) Fur and wool classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
SECTION 8. Cavy showroom classes recognized by the ARBA (all breeds).
(A) All showroom classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(B) Substitutions shall be allowed only in the same sex, class, variety, group, and breed.
SECTION 9. There must be ten (10) or more animals judged before the sponsoring club is required to pay the awards required by the Specialty Clubs. Awards donated and not paid directly by the sponsoring club will be paid regardless of the number shown.
SECTION 10. It shall be mandatory to select the Best Rabbit and/or Cavy in Show. All Best In Show animals shall be awarded a Grand Champion leg, provided all requirements are met. If they are selected at a show, ARBA Legs will be awarded for Reserve in Show, Best 4 Class or Best 6 Class provided the minimum requirements of 3 exhibitors and 5 animals are met.
SECTION 11. All ARBA licensed rabbit judges shall award Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Group, Best Opposite Sex of Group, Best of Variety, and Best Opposite Sex of Variety, when applicable. All licensed cavy judges shall pick Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Group, Best Opposite Sex of Group, Best of Variety, and Best Opposite Sex of Variety, when applicable. In addition, all ARBA licensed judges may award, if requested, the following additional awards: Best Junior, Best Intermediate, and Best Senior. In breeds having more than one variety the judge may also select Best Opposite Sex in the Junior, Intermediate, and Senior classes. Other awards that can be awarded in the normal sequence of judging using the Standard of Perfection as a basis for the decision, may be offered and awarded.
(A): Animals winning an award at any competitive level that leave the show prior to the picking of a higher award shall retain their placement, but not be considered for any higher award. The prior placement of the departed animal shall not be considered when picking the next higher award. No animal is to be moved up to fill the placement of a departed animal.
SECTION 12. A rabbit may be shown in the appropriate showroom class, the breed fur/wool class, and the commercial normal fur class (if normal fur), in the same show. Other multiple class showings are allowed as follows: 1) Pre-junior or junior (not both), single fryer, meat pen. 2) Stewer, intermediate or senior. 3) Roaster, junior. No other multiple class combinations are allowed for rabbits. No cavy may be exhibited in more than one class in the same show.
(A) A pre-junior class is for the sole purpose of exhibition and cannot be considered for further awards, unless the individual show committee decides to grant special awards for pre-junior classes. A pre-junior animal cannot compete in fur classes and cannot be considered for BOV, BOSV, BOG, BOSG, BOB, or BOS.
SECTION 13. All ARBA chartered clubs holding sanctioned shows hereby agree to be governed by and run under the latest revised OFFICIAL SHOW RULES of the ARBA.
SECTION 14. Any chartered club may make additional rules or regulations, provided they do not conflict with ARBA rules.
SECTION 15. A show catalog must be furnished to any person upon request. The show catalog must be furnished to all hired judges and registrars at least 14 days prior to the show date. The show catalog must contain the club name, show date, show location, entry deadline, time judging will start, the name and address of the show secretary and show superintendent, and any required specialty club information. The catalog should supply as much information as possible and must be available at least 14 days prior to the show date. The following must be printed in the show catalog:
(A) Open Sanctioned Show – OFFICIAL ARBA SANCTIONED SHOW, ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400. ARBA website: Membership Dues: $20.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $50.00. Combination Husband & Wife: $30.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $75.00.
(B) Youth Sanctioned Show – OFFICIAL ARBA YOUTH SANCTIONED SHOW, ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400. ARBA website: Membership Dues: $12.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $30.00.
(C) Announcement of the date and place of the next ARBA Convention and Annual Meeting.
(D):1– Action taken by the ARBA Board will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances noted and in accordance with the ARBA Constitution and By-Laws
2– Please note the following recommendations:
a) Exhibitors should follow ARBA recommended biosecurity guidelines.
b) Exhibitors and show officials should wash the undercarriage and tires of all vehicles and trailers before going to and after departing a show.
c) Exhibitors residing in a state with a confirmed case of RHDV in the past 30 days should have a health certificate (CVI) issued within fourteen (14) days of the show.
d) Use an appropriate disinfectant that will inactivate RHDV.
e) The ARBA club show committee has the right to refuse any entry for due cause.
f) The ARBA recommends carrying cages be cleaned prior to going to a show. The ARBA recommends the following products: kitty litter, newspaper, puppy pads, or other inert products used for bedding.
g) State and county officials may impose additional stricter sanctions / requirements.
h) Show officials can designate additional requirements to attend an ARBA sanctioned show.
i) If you are not comfortable with the provisions in 15.(D), please continue to maintain biosecurity at your residence.
SECTION 16. The show sponsor may print the following in their show catalog: All youth entries must be carried to the show table by a youth. Exhibitors do not have to carry their own animals to the show table.
SECTION 17. Sanctions
(A) All ARBA chartered clubs shall be permitted to designate their sanctioned shows as OFFICIAL shows, and to advertise as such. The appropriate fees must accompany all sanction requests. Fees for all sanction requests received at least 30 days prior to but no more than 2 years in advance of the requested date(s) of the show(s) shall be: $25.00 for each adult open show and $20.00 for each youth show. If an Open and Youth sanction are applied for at the same time, the fee shall be $40.00 for each Open/Youth combination. All sanction requests must be applied for through the office of the ARBA Executive Director and must be done so at least thirty (30) days prior to the show date(s). Sanction requests received less than thirty days prior to the show date may be accepted; however the respective sanction fees are doubled. The acceptance of an ARBA sanction request and all necessary fees are based solely upon the official US Postmark or online date stamp. Proof of submission of a sanction request is the sole responsibility of the sender. No show sanction shall be granted more than two years prior to the show date requested. No show sanction shall be granted if the request is received less than 15 days prior to the show date requested. No show sanction shall be granted after a show has taken place. It shall be mandatory to have official judging on each day for which a show is sanctioned.
(B) Sanction applications must include the following information: name of the sponsoring club, date of show, location of show (city and state), and name, address, and ARBA membership number of the show secretary and show superintendent. The ARBA office MUST be notified immediately if there is a change in any of the above information. Any change of the date or location (city) of the approved show will require a fee of $12.50 for each open show and $10.00 for each youth show. Fees paid ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE.
SECTION 18. No ARBA chartered specialty club may issue a sweepstakes sanction TO ANY SHOW unless the show is first sanctioned by the ARBA.
SECTION 19. No ARBA sanctioned show may accept sweepstakes from any club that is not chartered with the ARBA.
SECTION 20. Specialty club and ARBA sanctions may only be issued to ARBA chartered clubs or associations.
SECTION 21. Sweepstakes to be legal and count must be approved and issued by the ARBA chartered club sponsoring the show.
SECTION 22. All sanctioned ARBA shows must be at least 100 miles apart, if held on the same date, except fairs, agricultural expositions and shows held the same date and same location in conjunction with each other, unless agreed upon by all clubs involved. The distance is to be measured by drawing a straight line from the town of one show to the town of the second show. Any ARBA chartered club that has a pattern of purchasing sanctions and not hosting an ARBA sanctioned show, with a perceived intent to block another club from hosting on that date will be subject to review by the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 23. Entries shall close the day and time advertised. No rabbit or cavy is officially entered until required fees are paid, which must be done prior to the start of the show. Substitutions, with or without an additional fee, may be accepted at the discretion of the show sponsor. No substitutions, changes, or additions will be allowed in a breed after judging of the breed has commenced.
(A) When a pre-show entry is required, entries bearing a postmark prior to the entry deadline date are eligible. Entry fees may be required to accompany entries, or may be paid upon check-in at the show. This requirement is at the discretion of the show sponsor, and must be stated in the show rules for the show.
1) The term entry fee refers to money or other agreed upon consideration an exhibitor pays a
show sponsor when entering their rabbit/cavy in an ARBA sanctioned show.
2) The entry fee entitles the exhibitor to have their animal judged by an ARBA licensed judge and receive awards.
3) The entry fee entitles the exhibitor the privilege of cooping a valid entry when coops, feed cups, feed, and/or bedding are provided by the show sponsor.
4) The entry fee does not constitute a rental agreement for any equipment that may be used in the course of an ARBA sanctioned show.
(B) For day-of-show entries, the entries must be made, and fees must be paid, by the start of the show, or time specified.
SECTION 24. All rabbits and cavies are entered and shown at the risk of the owners and/or exhibitors, and while show sponsors are expected to exercise all reasonable care in the handling and protection of the exhibits, show sponsors will not be liable.
(A) If an animal dies at a show while in the care of show officials, the show superintendent must notify the exhibitor with a written document containing the ear number, breed, and variety of the animal. Two show officials should sign the document.
(B) If any rabbit, or cavy, is injured at a sanctioned ARBA show, either on the judging table or in the showroom, whereby the animal would be disqualified, the show management must furnish a written statement, signed by a show official, stating the facts regarding the injury. Placement of the animal at that time shall be at the discretion of the judge. This statement shall permit said animal to be registered, not shown, providing the animal passes all registration requirements except the injury or injuries received in the show, and is registered within six (6) months of the date the document was issued.
SECTION 25. In cases where entries are made and the exhibits are not received, or if an exhibitor leaves before judging, the entry fees collected are forfeited. Return of any fees is at the discretion of the show sponsor.
(A) In the event the show is cancelled for any reason, all entry fees must be returned to the exhibitors within thirty (30) days after the scheduled date of the show.
(B) Any special prizes, monies or trophies offered must be returned to the donor when there is no rabbit or cavy eligible to receive these awards.
SECTION 26. All animals must be permanently and legibly earmarked in the left ear. The tattoo is to only contain numerals 0-9 and/or letters A-Z. The tattoo is to contain no language of a profane or sexual nature.
(A) An exhibitor may not enter more than one animal in the same class with the same ear number or ear tag number.
(B) Rabbits not legibly earmarked must be disqualified from the class. Legibility of the earmark is at the discretion of the judge. This ruling also applies to rabbits with leg bands. In addition to a leg band they must also have a legible earmark in the left ear.
(C) Cavies not legibly earmarked or tagged with an ear tag must be disqualified from the class.
(D) Animals possessing an ear number that does not match the ear number on the exhibitor’s entry form must be removed from the class and the class number reduced.
SECTION 27. Show management must remove from the showroom all diseased or unsightly specimens and entry fees on such specimens will be forfeited.
SECTION 28. Chartered clubs must accept all breeds, which are recognized in the ARBA Standard of Perfection, except, however, National, State, and Local Specialty Clubs, must accept only the breed(s) they sponsor (Angoras and Lops on all sponsored breeds, and cavies covering themselves).
(A) All breeds and varieties that are covered by an official working standard (as described in the ARBA Standard of Perfection) must be accepted for exhibition and showing. (1) Such exhibits will not compete for sweepstake points or other awards.
(B) Acceptance of breeds and varieties without an ARBA official working standard is reserved to the show management. (1) The exhibitor must provide the proposed standard to the judge and show committee. (2) Such exhibits shall not compete for sweepstake points or other specials.
SECTION 29. The name(s) of each exhibitor shall be placed on exhibition coop cards at all ARBA shows.
(A) One day shows, carrying case shows, and fairs or expositions may be exempted.
SECTION 30. All animals must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor(s) prior to entry. Each owner’s personal name(s) must be listed on the entry form, but a rabbitry name may be added, if applicable, when entering shows. It will be the responsibility of the owner(s) and Show Committee to not submit or accept an entry in family or rabbitry names. The determination / confirmation of ownership is the responsibility of the exhibitor.
(A) In case of disqualification under this rule, other exhibitors shall, if qualified, be moved up on the list of winners.
SECTION 31. Show sponsors shall have the right to reassign judges for cause, or add to the list of judges, as occasion may require, but all sponsors holding shows under rules of the ARBA must secure licensed judges of the ARBA to judge the show.
SECTION 32. All official ARBA sanctioned shows are open to all individuals unless suspended or expelled by the ARBA. Any person under suspension or expelled by the ARBA cannot enter, or exhibit stock, compete for awards or prizes, or act as a judge, show official, or in any capacity whatsoever. Show committees must see that this rule is strictly enforced, ignorance is no excuse. It shall however, be the right of any club or show committee to refuse entry to any individual by showing due cause to the exhibitor.
(A) Notification of suspended or expelled members will be provided in Domestic Rabbits magazine.
SECTION 33. Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the ARBA, and to abide by the rules. ARBA members may exhibit in all classes provided by county and state fairs.
SECTION 34. An exhibitor shall not be allowed to show rabbits or cavies under a judge that is an immediate family member. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, or spouse. Also included are niece, nephew, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, uncles, aunts, cousins or anyone residing at the same residence as a judge.
SECTION 35. No exhibitor will be allowed behind the judging tables, unless acting in an official capacity, which must be approved by the show superintendent or show secretary.
SECTION 36. The show secretary of a sanctioned ARBA show is required to furnish each exhibitor an Official Show Report within thirty (30) days after the close of their show for each animal exhibited. This show report must show the name of the sponsoring club, date of the show, the entry number if applicable, class and number in class, placement, the breed and variety, winnings, if any, and name of the show secretary. A remark card does not constitute an Official Show Report.
(A) Show records retained by the club sponsoring the show shall be considered official.
(B) All official show records must be retained by the show sponsor for at least one (1) year.
SECTION 37. Any club holding an ARBA sanctioned show is required to complete and send the Official ARBA Show Report to the ARBA within thirty (30) days after the show. This report must contain at least the number of rabbits and cavies exhibited, amount received for entry fees, the names of the judge or judges and their license number(s), and when specials and premiums were paid to exhibitors.
(A) Any club failing to provide this report will not be issued another show sanction until the ARBA office receives the Official ARBA Show Report. NOTE: See late show report policy.
SECTION 38. Any ARBA member working for a Registrar or Judge’s license must first secure permission from the show superintendent of the show they want to work. The candidate will not be permitted to work with any licensed ARBA judge unless permission has been granted by the show superintendent and judge.
(A) Credit for working a show for a Registrar or Judge’s license can only be given when working in a sanctioned all breed ARBA show. Specialty judge applicants are exempt.
(B) Applicants for license may officially work at only one show per day.
(C) Only ARBA members in good standing can work for a license.
SECTION 39. A licensed ARBA judge can allow only one applicant who is working for a Registrar or Judge’s license to work with them in the same show.
(A) A licensed ARBA judge will be permitted to give credit to only one applicant working for a license in each show.
SECTION 40. Show sponsors should provide extra large or double coops for giant breed entries.
SECTION 41. Show management must furnish suitable judging equipment, such as judging tables covered with carpet, sufficient holding coops for the largest class, if possible, good lighting, capable secretaries, satisfactory scales, and any other necessary equipment.
SECTION 42. The show management should schedule the judging of breeds or displays at a time that will create increased public or breeder interest, and for the general welfare of the rabbits or cavies.
SECTION 43. At cooped shows, no animal shall be removed before the close of the show, except upon written consent of the show secretary and/or show superintendent.
SECTION 44. It is mandatory for sponsors of all ARBA sanctioned shows to have a licensed ARBA registrar present at their show with all material necessary to register rabbits. Notice of the availability of this service must be printed in the show catalog. Fair shows are exempt from this rule.
(A) If an official registrar will not be present for the entire show, the time of availability must be listed in the show catalog.
SECTION 45. Exhibitors or guardians of exhibitors attempting to, or actually interfering with, annoying, molesting, or influencing the judge or judges, or acting in a manner unbecoming an exhibitor(s) shall have all their stock disqualified by the judge and shall be ejected by the show superintendent and barred from the show room. Suspension or expulsion of ARBA membership may result from said acts, if so deemed by the ARBA Board of Directors.
SECTION 46. An exhibitor disqualified for fraudulent practices shall have the right to appeal to the ARBA Board of Directors within sixty (60) days from the date of his/her disqualification.
SECTION 47. Each animal must be exhibited in its natural condition. An exhibitor in violation of this rule will have their animal disqualified, and the remainder of their entry may be disqualified from competition and not be judged. Examples include dyeing, plucking, trimming, or any other action designed to deceive.
SECTION 48. Any personally involved exhibitor within a Breed, Group, Variety, or Class shall have the right to make a written protest from the time of occurrence until two hours after awards are placed.
(A) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) A rabbit or cavy possessing a disqualification is placed. (2) Only one animal may be listed on a protest.
(B) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) A rabbit or cavy is wrongfully disqualified. (2) Only one animal may be listed on a protest. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(C) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) Alleged fraudulent practices on the part of any judge. Only one animal may be listed on a protest. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection.
(D) An official protest must be submitted in writing to the show superintendent with a $50.00 protest fee. The protest must be signed and submitted by the actual exhibitor personally involved within the Breed. The protest shall then be acted upon by a committee of three members. The members shall consist of: (1) A member of the show committee. (2) An ARBA licensed judge or registrar, which shall be appointed by the show superintendent. (3) A disinterested ARBA member agreed upon by the other two committee members. The written protest must then be presented to the Protest Committee for their evaluation.
(E) If the protest is sustained or allowed, the affected class(es) or awards shall be adjusted accordingly.
(F) If the protest is sustained, the $50.00 protest fee shall be refunded. If the protest is not sustained or allowed, the $50.00 deposit will be retained by the show sponsor.
SECTION 49. Notice of an allowed protest with a detailed statement shall be mailed by the show sponsor
within ten (10) days to the ARBA and to the exhibitor(s) and judge involved. The judge involved shall have ninety (90) days in which to respond to the ARBA Board to explain his/her rationale for the disputed decision.
SECTION 50. If show management determines that disqualified parties have, unknown to them, succeeded in making an entry or entries, they have the right to cancel such entries, and such parties shall forfeit their entry fee, prize money and other premiums.
SECTION 51. Youth may not enter their rabbit or cavy in both open and youth classes at the same show, which is sponsored by the same club. Youth may make entries in both open and youth classes with different animals.
(A) When more than one ARBA sanctioned all breed or specialty show, not having a youth sanction, are held in conjunction on the same day, youth exhibitors may enter all additional shows with the same animals.
SECTION 52. Youth exhibitors may enter sanctioned youth shows between the ages of five (5) and eighteen (18) years. An adult cannot show in youth classes at any time. Youth exhibitors must be able to handle their own animals. Youth exhibitors are not required to carry their own animals to the table. If stated in the show catalog, a show committee may require all youth entries be carried by a youth.
SECTION 53. All youth exhibitors must use their own individual name, but may add a rabbitry name when entering youth shows. Entries will not be accepted in family or rabbitry names. If owned in conjunction with another youth, the names of all owners must be listed.
SECTION 54. No ARBA judge shall be allowed to judge any show if his/her license is expired, suspended, or expelled.
SECTION 55. No judge shall exhibit in any breed, which they are judging. They shall refuse to consider any specimen they recognize as having been owned by them within three (3) months previous to the show. Also, they shall refuse to consider any specimens that were housed on their premises within three (3) months previous to the show.
SECTION 56. A licensed ARBA judge will not be permitted to judge any ARBA sanctioned show under any other rules than those of the ARBA.
SECTION 57. It shall be considered unethical for an ARBA judge to comment to exhibitors upon the placement made by the official show judge, or judges, unless requested to act upon an official protest.
SECTION 58. Judges must present their valid ARBA judges license to the show secretary prior to the beginning of the show.
SECTION 59. Awarding more than one first place in any class is strictly prohibited.
SECTION 60. A class will be officially closed upon placement of the first place animal. Judging of a breed is officially completed upon selection of Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex of Breed. No entries are permitted to be added to a breed once it is completed. A judge shall have the authority to alter any awards within a breed prior to its completion. Awards for variety / group can only be altered by the judge that made the original selections. Once judging of a breed is completed, no changes may be made, except in the case of an official protest being filed and upheld, or wrongfully issuing an award to an ineligible animal. If an animal is chosen Best of Breed, and later found to have a disqualification, it shall retain its previous award, and simply not be considered for an additional award. A show is considered completed upon selection of Best In Show.
SECTION 61. Every judge should use good judgment at all times, in all their decisions, and give each rabbit or cavy the benefit of the doubt.
SECTION 62. When only one rabbit or cavy is competing in a class the judge shall use their own good judgment. If in their opinion, the animal would be placed in good competition, it shall be given a first. If not, it shall not be placed and the notation made by the judge would be “UNWORTHY OF AN AWARD.” At no time shall a single rabbit or cavy in a class be given 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. It shall either be worthy of a first with only one in a class or not placed with the above remark.
(A) It is possible with more than one entry in a class, that two (2) or more entries may be unworthy of an award.
SECTION 63. A rabbit that was not disqualified in the breed class may be disqualified from a fur class.
(A) A rabbit that was not judged or missed its breed class cannot be shown in a fur class.
SECTION 64. At all ARBA sanctioned shows a Best In Show rabbit and or cavy must be picked by a licensed ARBA all breed judge or judges.
(A) A licensed ARBA specialty judge cannot pick any award higher than Best of Breed.
(B) A licensed ARBA judge may not pick any award higher than Best of Breed if they own an animal competing for a higher award.
SECTION 65. In selecting Best Rabbit or Cavy In Show, each Best of Breed is brought back to the table for comparison to the other animals, not by adding up total points of the animal. The animal determined to be nearest to its own breed standard shall be selected Best In Show.
(A) All open breed judging must be completed prior to selection of open Best In Show.
(B) All youth breed judging must be completed prior to selection of youth Best In Show.
SECTION 66. All meat class animals must be weighed by the judge or in the presence of the judge.
SECTION 67. Judge’s remarks must be given and may be recorded, at the request of the show sponsor, for all animals entered in a show, except animals that have been removed from the show for faking or fraudulent practices, or animals that have been dismissed as vicious or uncontrollable.
SECTION 68. A judge is required to make placements on all animals in classes of ten (10) or fewer.
(A) A judge must place at least the top ten (10) and 50% of the entries in classes of fifty (50) or fewer, but not more than twenty-five (25) placements in classes of fifty-one (51) or more.
(B) It is recommended that a judge not judge more than 250 animals per day.
SECTION 69. Any matter not defined in these rules and regulations shall be referred to the ARBA Show Rules Committee for interpretation.
SECTION 70. A violation of these official show rules and regulations shall be referred to the ARBA Board of Directors for interpretation. If deemed necessary, disciplinary action may be taken.
Actions taken by the Board include but are not limited to, expulsions, suspensions, and fines, as deemed appropriate by the Board based on the nature of the violation(s).
SECTION 71. County and State Fair Shows: Article II, Section 7 of the ARBA By-Laws provides for county or state fairs or agricultural expositions to become chartered with the ARBA by submitting proper fees and complying with the ARBA Show Rules. Fair shows are exempt from the ARBA Show Rules in the following instances only:
(A) Fairs may limit their entries with respect to the number of animals and/or the region or county of exhibitor residence, and/or 4-H, FFA, or Grange membership.
(B) Fairs may combine recognized breeds or varieties for purposes of judging. Legs of grand championship may not be issued for any combined class. Animals advancing from combined classes will be eligible for grand championship legs, however, provided the leg requirements are met within a recognized class.
(C) Youth may enter the same rabbit or cavy in both open and youth fair shows, as long as the shows are not judged on the same date(s).
(D) Youth exhibitors may enter sanctioned youth shows through the age of eighteen (18) years only, upon their 19th birthday they are ineligible. Youth exhibitors may be required, however, to conform to minimum age requirements as established by the fair.
(E) Fairs may provide premium listings or entry summaries to exhibitors in lieu of Official Show Reports.
(F) The availability of an ARBA registrar is not required, but is encouraged.
(G) Fair shows are exempt from the 100 mile radius rule.
(H) The publishing of information concerning the next ARBA National Convention is not required, but is encouraged.
(I) The judging of animals may occur before, during, or after the fair, provided all judging is started and completed no more than four (4) days prior to or following the published fair dates.
(J) The designated show secretary must be a member of the ARBA at the time of sanction application. It is also recommended that the designated show superintendent be a member of the ARBA.
(K) Fairs may require all entries in any specialty breed show held in conjunction with them, be entered in the open or youth all breed show.
© Copyright 2021 - American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. | PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400 | Ph: 814.797.4129 | All Rights Reserved