Show Rules:
1. During the Spring Fair, ALL vehicles must be off the grounds by 9 am or the vehicle will be towed.
2. All entry forms and payment must be submitted by mail no later than April 2 and by email no later than 6pm on April 3rd. No late entries will be accepted. The show reserves the right to limit entries.
3. All rabbits must be delivered to the Rabbit Show at the Spring Fair, 8-9 am April 13. Late entries will not be accepted. Check email the day before coop in for directions to enter the fair grounds.
4. Carriers must be removed / or put into tack room or they will be disposed of by show management.
5. All exhibitors attending the show must be responsible to an adult.
6. Exhibitors and parents are responsible for the completion and accuracy of entry forms. Exhibitors must fill out a master form that includes all entries. Improper or incomplete entries will not be shown. Entries will be judged as entered.
7. All rabbits must have a legible and permanent tattoo in left ear.
8. All showmanship rabbits must be entered into the type show.
9. Youth in Action: This program gives individuals additional responsibility in the rabbit show, offering an educational experience while meeting the public. All exhibitors participating in this WILL RECEIVE a parking pass for each day they sign up. Sign up sheet will be available at check-in.
10. No talking to the judges during judging.
11. If ribbons are displayed on cages, please note that most rabbits will eat them and there are NO replacements.
12. Due to cage limitations, each exhibitor will be allowed fifteen entries. If there are cage openings, exhibitors will be contacted by the manager and openings will be filled by order in which entry is received.
13. All rabbits must pass disease and parasite inspection by veterinarians upon arrival and during the show. Inspect your rabbits! Clean rabbits are YOUR responsibility. Diseased rabbits will be rejected. The show management or vet will deny entry to any animal or exhibit they deem unworthy for public display.
14. All exhibitors are required to clean, feed and water their rabbit(s) and cages every day prior to Fair opening.
15. All entries will be accepted with the understanding that neither the show organization, nor the Spring Fair or their officers shall be held responsible for any damage or loss that may arise to rabbits and other exhibits on exhibition.
16. Rabbits will be judged to the American Rabbit Breeders Standard of Perfection.
17. No sales will be permitted, nor will “FOR SALE” cards be allowed on cages or on Spring Fair property.
18. Each exhibitor will receive 4 entry tickets at check in.
19. Check out procedures: Coop out begins at 8pm on Sunday, no exceptions unless previously approved by show committee.
20. We would appreciate past blue ribbon poster entries for display only. They may be turned in at coop in and will be returned at coop out. We hope to have a large amount of educational materials for the public to read and learn from.
1. During the Spring Fair, ALL vehicles must be off the grounds by 9 am or the vehicle will be towed.
2. All entry forms and payment must be submitted by mail no later than April 2 and by email no later than 6pm on April 3rd. No late entries will be accepted. The show reserves the right to limit entries.
3. All rabbits must be delivered to the Rabbit Show at the Spring Fair, 8-9 am April 13. Late entries will not be accepted. Check email the day before coop in for directions to enter the fair grounds.
4. Carriers must be removed / or put into tack room or they will be disposed of by show management.
5. All exhibitors attending the show must be responsible to an adult.
6. Exhibitors and parents are responsible for the completion and accuracy of entry forms. Exhibitors must fill out a master form that includes all entries. Improper or incomplete entries will not be shown. Entries will be judged as entered.
7. All rabbits must have a legible and permanent tattoo in left ear.
8. All showmanship rabbits must be entered into the type show.
9. Youth in Action: This program gives individuals additional responsibility in the rabbit show, offering an educational experience while meeting the public. All exhibitors participating in this WILL RECEIVE a parking pass for each day they sign up. Sign up sheet will be available at check-in.
10. No talking to the judges during judging.
11. If ribbons are displayed on cages, please note that most rabbits will eat them and there are NO replacements.
12. Due to cage limitations, each exhibitor will be allowed fifteen entries. If there are cage openings, exhibitors will be contacted by the manager and openings will be filled by order in which entry is received.
13. All rabbits must pass disease and parasite inspection by veterinarians upon arrival and during the show. Inspect your rabbits! Clean rabbits are YOUR responsibility. Diseased rabbits will be rejected. The show management or vet will deny entry to any animal or exhibit they deem unworthy for public display.
14. All exhibitors are required to clean, feed and water their rabbit(s) and cages every day prior to Fair opening.
15. All entries will be accepted with the understanding that neither the show organization, nor the Spring Fair or their officers shall be held responsible for any damage or loss that may arise to rabbits and other exhibits on exhibition.
16. Rabbits will be judged to the American Rabbit Breeders Standard of Perfection.
17. No sales will be permitted, nor will “FOR SALE” cards be allowed on cages or on Spring Fair property.
18. Each exhibitor will receive 4 entry tickets at check in.
19. Check out procedures: Coop out begins at 8pm on Sunday, no exceptions unless previously approved by show committee.
20. We would appreciate past blue ribbon poster entries for display only. They may be turned in at coop in and will be returned at coop out. We hope to have a large amount of educational materials for the public to read and learn from.